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20 ноя 2007
Онлайновый паблишер K2 Network будет издавать на территории Европы и Северной Америки корейский массивно-многопользовательский ролевой проект Granado Espada. Лучшая игра 2006 года в Корее, разработанная студией imcGAMES под руководством знаменитого Хаккую Кима (Hakkyu Kim) - создателя самой обитаемой MMOG мира, Ragnarok Online - выйдет на Западе под названием Sword of the New World

Nival Online объявляет о заключении контракта с компанией HanbitSoft на издание и оперирование на территории России, стран СНГ и Балтии многопользовательской онлайн-игры Granado Espada. Проект, успешно запущенный уже в 10 странах мира, в том числе в США и Японии, обладатель призов "Лучшая графика" и "Игра года" в 2006 году в Корее, будет доступен русскоязычным игрокам уже весной 2008 года.

Granado Espada - фантазийная вариация на тему европейской колонизации Нового Света в 17 столетии. Главной особенностью игры, в которой геймеров ждут увлекательные приключения на новом континенте, архитектура и одежда в стиле барокко, сокровища и слава, магия и замечательная музыка, является то, что под их командованием окажется не один персонаж, а группа из трех героев (стартовые классы - Fighter, Wizard и Scout; затем можно создать Musketeer или Warlock). Кроме традиционных режимов - Player vs. Environment (PvE) и Player vs. Player (PvP) - предлагаются и дополнительные: Family vs. Family (FvF) и City vs. City (CvC).

Русский сайт Granado Espada
Игра бесплатная. Есть возможность покупки вещей за реал.

Игра перенесет игроков в эпоху великих географических открытий, когда земля была плоская, а белых пятен на карте было больше, чем иголок на спине дикобраза. Когда жители Старого Света устремили свой взор через огромный океан, казавшийся им бесконечным, они добрались до нового континента, назвав эту землю Granado Espada. Это была земля, ждавшая своих героев и первооткрывателей, где королевский указ значил гораздо меньше, чем шпага и доброе слово; куда устремились те, кто порвал с опостылевшим Старым Светом, в поисках новых приключений, славы и конечно же богатства. Игрокам предстоит примерить на себя изысканные костюмы эпохи барокко, обильно украшенные легкими кружевами, взять в руки шпаги и мушкеты и, управляя одновременно тремя персонажами, принять участие в колонизации Нового Света.

Окунись в атмосферу барокко! Огромная фэнтезийная вселенная с великолепной современной графикой в стиле 17 века; дыхание времени великих географических открытий, загадки мироздания и белые пятна на карте мира; изысканные наряды — камзолы, бальные платья, сюртуки, корсеты и кружевные перчатки; оружие, соответствующее исторической эпохе — шпаги и мушкеты; легкая атмосферная музыка, от которой невозможно оторваться.

Управляй тремя героями одновременно! Игрок может создать собственную семью — команду из трех персонажей, обладающих уникальным оружием и индивидуальными боевыми приемами. На выбор предлагается более 36 видов героев, а также множество наемников, управляемых искусственным интеллектом, которых можно нанять за плату.

Участвуй в колониальных войнах! Кроме распространенных режимов «Игрок против Монстров» и «Игрок против Игрока», в Granado Espada доступны сражения «Семья против Семьи» и «Город против Города». Игрок также может быть избран главнокомандующим армией и командовать сотнями других героев во время колониальных воин.
15 ноя 2007
Вот именно, это же раздел - Общение. А в данном разделе у нас находится - Всё, что не связано с Requiem Online и другими MMORPG. Надеюсь, что вопрос исчерпан. Тема закрыта и будет удалена в течении сегодняшнего дня.
И пожалуйста, смотрите внимательней на описание разделов.

У мен я вопрос темы Название гильдии, Опрос: Создание гильдии, Кем будете играть исходя из этого ответа тоже должны быть удалены т.к. они связаны с игрой Requiem Online?
15 ноя 2007
Обсуждаем грядущий бета тест.
Кто хочет туда попасть?

+ не будем забивать флудом тему "Новости российской беты"

Подробная анкета для заполнения скоро появится на нашем сайте http://requiem-online.ru
14 ноя 2007
Дословный перевод скилов с корейского. Скилы перевелись более менее а вот названия некоторых классов криво. Ну серавно может кто ченить полезное для себя узнает.



Survival instinct
Using Occupation: Defender
Using skills: Passive
Learning conditions: Requires Level 10, the skills required for explosive 0 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: local autonomy and permanently increasing the distance discount.

Lv1: increased local autonomy: 22 | ranged increased autonomy: 22
Lv2: increased local autonomy: 29 | ranged increased autonomy: 29
Lv3: increased local autonomy: 40 | ranged increased autonomy: 40
Lv4: increased local autonomy: 53 | ranged increased autonomy: 53
Lv5: increased local autonomy: 68 | ranged increased autonomy: 68

Using Occupation: Defender
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 10, the skills required for explosive 0 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: The situation relative to the distance can be accessed quickly.
While the approach is not subject to attack.

Lv1: Enabled Distance: 20 m
Lv2: Enabled Distance: 25 m
Lv3: Enabled Distance: 30 m
Lv4: Enabled Distance: 35 m

Continuous begi
Using Occupation: Defender
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 10, the skills required for explosive 0 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: weapons with a strong attack on the fast battered victim.

Lv1: For additional damages 6
Lv2: Additional damage 7
Lv3: Additional damage 11
Lv4: Additional damage 14
Lv5: Additional damage 19

Hardy Handicap
Using Occupation: Defender
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 12, the skills required cleaner 2 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: HP obviously has her period of time increases.

Lv1: HP obviously increases: 5% | Duration: 10 minutes
Lv2: HP obviously increase: 10% | Duration: 12 minutes
Lv3: HP obviously increase: 10% | Duration: 14 minutes
Lv4: HP obviously increase: 12% | Duration: 16 minutes
Lv5: HP obviously increase: 15% | Duration: 18 minutes

Blow begi
Using Occupation: Defender
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 14, required skills maseuteori 4 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: The leap from place to strongly tilted down.

Lv1: Additional damage: 7
Lv2: Additional damage: 10
Lv3: Additional damage: 14
Lv4: Additional damage: 18
Lv5: Additional damage: 23

Using Occupation: Defender
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 16, the skills required cleaner 6 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: their intelligence is the same or lower than the target, it creates excitement yakolryeoseo
Excited state is a period of time when the attack success rate is poor.

Lv1: hitting the target reduction: 5% | duration: 30 seconds
Lv2: hitting the target reduction: 10% | duration: 60 seconds
Lv3: hitting the target reduction: 13% | Duration: 120 seconds
Lv4: hitting the target reduction: 17% | Duration: 120 seconds
Lv5: hitting the target reduction: 21% | Duration: 120 seconds

Sting 1996
Using Occupation: Defender
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 18, required skills maseuteori 8 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: The defense got weaker and his team add to the deep damage and ongoing bleeding victim.

Lv1: Additional damage: 8 | bleeding victim: 2 per 4 | duration: 10 seconds
Lv2: Additional damage: 11 | bleeding victim: 2 per 5 | duration: 10 seconds
Lv3: Additional damage: 16 | bleeding victim: 2 per 7 | duration: 10 seconds
Lv4: Additional damage: 20 | bleeding victim: 2 per 9 | duration: 10 seconds
Lv5: Additional damage: 23 | bleeding victim: 2 per 10 | duration: 10 seconds

General skilled Shield
Using Occupation: Defender
Using skills: Passive
Learning conditions: Requires Level 18, required skills maseuteori 8 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: This defensive shield permanently block the increase.

Lv1: block increased autonomy: 4
Lv2: defensive block increases: 5
Lv3: block increased autonomy: 7
Lv4: defensive block increases: 9
Lv5: defensive block increases: 11

Miner freed
Using Occupation: Defender
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 20, required skills maseuteori 10 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: The fight took a strong devotion to his state interference can be disabled.

Lv1: Battle state interference free: 1 | successes: 60%
Lv2: Battle state interference free: 1 | successes: 70%
Lv3: Battle state interference free: 2 | successes: 80%
Lv4: Battle state interference free: 2 | successes: 90%
Lv5: Battle state interference free: 4 | successes: 100%

Vicious Attack
Using Occupation: Defender
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 20, required skills maseuteori 10 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: agile fingers as a strong attack on the battered additional damage.

Lv1: Additional damage: 11
Lv2: Additional damage: 14
Lv3: Additional damage: 19
Lv4: Additional damage: 23
Lv5: Additional damage: 28

Hanson skilled Weapons
Using Occupation: Defender
Using skills: Passive
Learning conditions: Requires Level 20, required skills maseuteori 10 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: one hand by increasing the skills of weaponry as a weapon to attack and damage one hand permanently
Increased them.

Lv1: increased damage: 9 | Weapon Type: Hand Mace HandSword Ax
Lv2: increased damage: 11 | Weapon Type: Hand Mace HandSword Ax
Lv3: damage done by increased: 14 | Weapon Type: Hand Mace HandSword Ax
Lv4: increased damage: 17 | Weapon Type: Hand Mace HandSword Ax
Lv5: increased damage: 22 | Weapon Type: Hand Mace HandSword Ax

Using Occupation: Defender
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 22, required skills maseuteori 12 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: The nerve growth as a reflection of the relative attack better help passengers.

Lv1: dodge increase: 90 | Continuous Time: 5 min.
Lv2: dodge increase: 120 | duration: 6 min.
Lv3: dodge increase: 150 | Duration: 10 minutes
Lv4: dodge increase: 182 | Duration: 11 minutes
Lv5: dodge increase: 226 | Duration: 10 minutes

Price Shield
Using Occupation: Defender
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 26, required skills maseuteori 16 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: as a shield to avoid hitting each other to give ppateurige confusion.

Lv1: success rate: 50% | additional damage success: 19 | paralyzed time: 1 second
Lv2: success rate: 60% | additional damage success: 24 | paralyzed time: 2 seconds
Lv3: success rate: 70% | additional damage success: 29 | paralyzed time: 3 seconds
Lv4: success rate: 80% | additional damage success: 36 | paralyzed time: 3 seconds
Lv5: success rate: 90% | additional damage success: 44 | paralyzed time: 3 seconds

Continuous bang
Using Occupation: Defender
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 34, required skills maseuteori 24 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: The 1995-96 as a fast attack to try to add a battered victim.

Lv1: Additional damage: 23
Lv2: Additional damage: 27
Lv3: Additional damage: 33
Lv4: Additional damage: 40

Using Occupation: Defender
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 12, the skills required cleaner 2 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: Who are the enemy provocations hostile figures increments.

Lv1: hostile numerical increase: 122
Lv2: increasing hostility figures: 167
Lv3: increasing hostility figures: 224
Lv4: hostile numerical increase: 297
Lv5: increasing hostility figures: 375

Determination of the struggle
Using Occupation: Defender
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 14, required skills maseuteori 4 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: their attacks for some time, increases the success rate.

Lv1: Hits increases: 57 | Duration: 10 minutes
Lv2: Hits increases: 76 | Duration: 12 minutes
Lv3: Hit increase: 101 | Duration: 14 minutes
Lv4: Hit increase: 131 | Duration: 16 minutes
Lv5: Hit increase: 163 | Duration: 18 minutes

Skin dolgateun
Using Occupation: Defender
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 16, the skills required cleaner 6 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: This period of time increase their own local autonomy.

Lv1: increased local autonomy: 43 | Duration: 10 minutes
Lv2: increased local autonomy: 56 | Duration: 12 minutes
Lv3: increased local autonomy: 76 | Duration: 14 minutes
Lv4: increased local autonomy: 94 | Duration: 16 minutes
Lv5: increased local autonomy: 116 | Duration: 18 minutes

Block Shield
Using Occupation: Defender
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 26, required skills maseuteori 16 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: The Shield's own increasing block rate for a period of time.

Lv1: beulrokyul growth: 2% | Continuous Time: 5 min.
Lv2: beulrokyul growth: 4% | duration: 6 min.
Lv3: beulrokyul increase: 6% | Duration: 10 minutes
Lv4: beulrokyul increase: 8% | Duration: 11 minutes
Lv5: beulrokyul increase: 10% | Duration: 10 minutes

Using Occupation: Defender
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 30, required skills maseuteori 20 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: HP itself to emergency treatment for the slowly recovering.

Lv1: HP continued recovery: 10 seconds to 2 per 9
Lv2: HP continued recovery: 10 seconds to 2 per 11
Lv3: HP continued recovery: 10 seconds to 2 per 14
Lv4: HP continued recovery: 10 seconds to 2 per 17

Miner's Chain
Using Occupation: Defender
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 34, required skills maseuteori 24 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: Chain to throw a period of time they will move to speed decreases.

Lv1: transfer speed reduction:-1 m / sec | duration: 10 seconds
Lv2: transfer speed reduction:-1.5 m / sec | duration: 20 seconds
Lv3: transfer speed reduction:-2 m / sec | duration: 30 seconds
Lv4: transfer speed reduction:-2.5 m / sec | duration: 30 seconds

Facial Price
Using Occupation: Defender
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 36, required skills maseuteori 26 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: The subscription price target of leisure for a while ordering magic can not drink.
(However, the skills are available)

Lv1: Continuous Time: 5 seconds | success rate: 60%
Lv2: Continuous Time: 6 seconds | success rate: 70%
Lv3: Duration: 10 seconds | success rate: 80%

Cries of provocation
Using Occupation: Defender
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 36, required skills maseuteori 26 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: The enemies around the provocation for their hostility to figure increments.

Lv1: increasing hostility figures: 389 | influences range: 20 m
Lv2: increasing hostility figures: 475 | influences range: 20 m
Lv3: increasing hostility figures: 581 | influences range: 20 m

Reinforced body
Using Occupation: Defender
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 40, required skills maseuteori 30 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: HP's target is obviously a period of time increases.

Lv1: HP obviously increased the target: 4% | Duration: 10 minutes
Lv2: HP obviously increased the target: 6% | Duration: 12 minutes

Once the concealment
Using Occupation: Defender
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 43, required skills maseuteori 33 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: Target discount this for some time, the shield blocks increases.

Lv1: Target discount block increases: 16 | Continuous Time: 5 min.
Lv2: Target discount block increases: 19 | duration: 6 min.

Ray begi
Using Occupation: Defender
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 18, required skills maseuteori 8 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: Weapons to go far away to help us to move towards those it attacks.

Lv1: damage: 21
Lv2: damage: 29
Lv3: damage: 38
Lv4: damage: 47
Lv5: damage: 58

Rapid attack
Using Occupation: Defender
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 24, required skills maseuteori 14 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: The speed of their attack quickly and shorten the period of time during the attack.

Lv1: shorten the attack speed: 0.1 sec | Continuous Time: 2 min.
Lv2: shorten the attack speed: 0.2 sec | Continuous Time: 2 min.
Lv3: shorten the attack speed: 0.3 sec | Continuous Time: 2 min.
Lv4: shorten the attack speed: 0.4 sec | Continuous Time: 2 min.
Lv5: shorten the attack speed: 0.5 sec | Continuous Time: 2 min.

The destructive blow
Using Occupation: Defender
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 24, required skills maseuteori 14 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: it brings together a strong and the behavior of the cursor relative to the geometric attempt to evade
When you add a high probability of success is high and can lead to damage.

Lv1: Additional damage: 14
Lv2: Additional damage: 18
Lv3: Additional damage: 23
Lv4: Additional damage: 27
Lv5: Additional damage: 33

Beat down
Using Occupation: Defender
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 30, required skills maseuteori 20 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: relative to the lower body to provoke an attack by the target. When the stimulus to success
The relative increase in the numbers of their hostilities.

Lv1: Additional damage: 20 | hostile increasing numbers: 139
Lv2: Additional damage: 25 | hostile numbers increased: 175
Lv3: Additional damage: 30 | hostile numbers increased: 213
Lv4: Additional damage: 37 | hostile increasing numbers: 262

Strengthening uijiryeok
Using Occupation: Defender
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 32, required skills maseuteori 22 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: les period of time increases the autonomy of the local area.

Lv1: les increase local autonomy: 100 | influences range: 30 m | Duration: 10 minutes
Lv2: les increase local autonomy: 121 | influences range: 30 m | Duration: 12 minutes
Lv3: les increase local autonomy: 150 | influences range: 30 m | Duration: 14 minutes
Lv4: les increase local autonomy: 185 | influences range: 30 m | Duration: 16 minutes

Elimination of the boomerang
Using Occupation: Defender
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 32, required skills maseuteori 22 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: Add a forward multiple enemies at once bare sustained damage and bleeding victim.

Lv1: Additional damage: 17 | bleeding victim: 2 per 7 | duration: 10 seconds | close to the target, it hit multiple targets
Lv2: Additional damage: 21 | bleeding victim: 2 per 9 | duration: 10 seconds | close to the target, it hit multiple targets
Lv3: Additional damage: 24 | bleeding victim: 2 per 11 | duration: 10 seconds | close to the target, it hit multiple targets
Lv4: Additional damage: 30 | bleeding victim: 2 per 13 | duration: 10 seconds | close to the target, it hit multiple targets

The victory pledge
Using Occupation: Defender
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 48, required skills maseuteori 38 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: les attack is a period of time increases the success rate.

Lv1: les hits increased: 192 | Duration: 10 minutes | influences range: 30 m


Using Occupation: Sunflower
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 30, required skills maseuteori 20 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: The power of light weapons in the targeted grant strongly stuff down.

Lv1: Additional damage: 13
Lv2: Additional damage: 16
Lv3: Additional damage: 20
Lv4: Additional damage: 24

Schroeder called the blessings
Using Occupation: Sunflower
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 43, required skills maseuteori 33 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: The target of the attack, increase the speed of the timeframe.

Lv1: weapons attack speed reduced: 0.1 sec | Continuous Time: 2 min.
Lv2: weapons attack speed reduced: 0.2 sec | duration: 3 minutes

Resistances (Lightning)
Using Occupation: Sunflower
Using skills: Passive
Learning conditions: Requires Level 36, required skills maseuteori 26 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: The electrical resistance of the property will be permanently increased.

Lv1: electrical resistance properties increased: 16%
Lv2: electrical resistance properties increased: 19%
Lv3: electrical resistance properties increased: 24%

Intermediate healing
Using Occupation: Sunflower
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 40, required skills maseuteori 30 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: HP's sacred to regain power.

Lv1: HP Recovery: 184
Lv2: HP Recovery: 228

God's weapons
Using Occupation: Sunflower
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 46, required skills maseuteori 36 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: The physical proximity of the target increases the damage done by a certain time.

Lv1: Physical proximity to the 0 degree: 13 | Continuous Time: 5 min.

Using Occupation: Sunflower
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 10, the skills required for explosive 0 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: The sacred power of his HP, slowly recovering them.

Lv1: HP continued recovery: 10 seconds to 2 per 10
Lv2: HP continued recovery: 10 seconds to 2 per 13
Lv3: HP continued recovery: 10 seconds to 2 per 18
Lv4: HP continued recovery: 10 seconds to 2 per 24
Lv5: HP continued recovery: 10 seconds to 2 per 30

Using Occupation: Sunflower
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 12, the skills required cleaner 2 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: Along with their MP increasing the period of time.

Lv1: MP obviously increases: 5% | Duration: 10 minutes
Lv2: MP obviously increase: 10% | Duration: 12 minutes
Lv3: MP obviously increase: 10% | Duration: 14 minutes
Lv4: MP obviously increase: 12% | Duration: 16 minutes
Lv5: MP obviously increase: 15% | Duration: 18 minutes

Lightning storms
Using Occupation: Sunflower
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 20, required skills maseuteori 10 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: Lightning storms around to raise their property damage and electrical damage to electric shock.

Lv1: Lightning magic property damage: 33 | electric shock victims: 2 per 7 | duration: 10 seconds | Impact Range: 3 m
Lv2: Lightning magic property damage: 44 | electric shock victims: 2 per 9 | duration: 10 seconds | Impact Range: 3 m
Lv3: Lightning magic property damage: 56 | electric shock victims: 2 per 11 | duration: 10 seconds | influences range: 4 m
Lv4: Lightning magic property damage: 69 | electric shock victims: 2 per 14 | duration: 10 seconds | influences range: 4 m
Lv5: Lightning magic property damage: 86 | electric shock victims: 2 per 17 | duration: 10 seconds | influences range: 5 m

Hand Mace bang
Using Occupation: Sunflower
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 20, required skills maseuteori 10 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: personal technology as a weapon to attack and make it worth, with the additional damage to the target
Prevent the move.

Lv1: success rate: 50% | additional damage success: 7 | paralyzed time: 1 second
Lv2: success rate: 60% | additional damage success: 10 | paralyzed time: 2 seconds
Lv3: success rate: 70% | additional damage success: 13 | paralyzed time: 3 seconds
Lv4: success rate: 80% | additional damage success: 16 | paralyzed time: 3 seconds
Lv5: success rate: 80% | additional damage success: 20 | paralyzed time: 3 seconds

Sacred lightning
Using Occupation: Sunflower
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 22, required skills maseuteori 12 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: The electric chunk of the target to launch a move to give victims the speed decreases.

Lv1: Additional damage: 31 | moving speed reduction:-1 m / sec | duration: 20 seconds
Lv2: Additional damage: 41 | moving speed reduction:-1.5 m / sec | duration: 20 seconds
Lv3: Additional damage: 51 | moving speed reduction:-2 m / sec | duration: 20 seconds
Lv4: Additional damage: 63 | moving speed reduction:-2.5 m / sec | duration: 20 seconds
Lv5: Additional damage: 78 | moving speed reduction:-3 m / sec | duration: 20 seconds

Using Occupation: Sunflower
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 24, required skills maseuteori 14 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: their attacks for some time, increases the success rate.

Lv1: Hits increases: 83 | Duration: 10 minutes
Lv2: Hit increase: 108 | Duration: 12 minutes
Lv3: Hit increase: 134 | Duration: 14 minutes
Lv4: Hit increase: 164 | Duration: 16 minutes
Lv5: Hit increase: 202 | Duration: 18 minutes

Using Occupation: Sunflower
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 32, required skills maseuteori 22 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: HP obviously is a certain amount of the target increases.

Lv1: HP obviously target: 5% | Duration: 10 minutes
Lv2: HP obviously target: 7% increase | Duration: 12 minutes
Lv3: HP obviously target: 9% increase | Duration: 14 minutes
Lv4: HP obviously target: 12% increase | Duration: 16 minutes

Dazzling light
Using Occupation: Sunflower
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 36, required skills maseuteori 26 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: Dazzling light exploded in the target areas selected for a birthday.

Lv1: 6 seconds Total damage: 108 | influences range: radius of 3 m
Lv2: 6 seconds Total damage: 135 | influences range: radius of 3.5 m
Lv3: 8 seconds Total damage: 220 | influences range: radius of 4 meters

Lightning Arrow
Using Occupation: Sunflower
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 10, the skills required for explosive 0 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: An electrically fired lump damage to the property.

Lv1: Lightning Property damage: 14
Lv2: Lightning Property damage: 18
Lv3: Lightning Property damage: 25
Lv4: Lightning Property damage: 33
Lv5: Lightning Property damage: 42

Survival instinct
Using Occupation: Defender
Using skills: Passive
Learning conditions: Requires Level 18, required skills maseuteori 8 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: local autonomy and permanently increasing the distance discount.

Lv1: increased local autonomy: 30 | ranged increased autonomy: 30
Lv2: increased local autonomy: 39 | ranged increased autonomy: 39
Lv3: increased local autonomy: 52 | ranged increased autonomy: 52
Lv4: increased local autonomy: 64 | ranged increased autonomy: 64
Lv5: increased local autonomy: 79 | increases ranged discount: 79

Sacred Protection
Using Occupation: Sunflower
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 20, required skills maseuteori 10 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: audiences electrically to form a shield to the local area and long distance discount 5610.

Lv1: to increase local autonomy: 42 | ranged increased autonomy: 42 | Duration: 10 minutes
Lv2: to increase local autonomy: 55 | ranged increased autonomy: 55 | Duration: 12 minutes
Lv3: to increase local autonomy: 72 | ranged increased autonomy: 72 | Duration: 14 minutes
Lv4: to increase local autonomy: 89 | increases ranged discount: 89 | Duration: 16 minutes
Lv5: to increase local autonomy: 111 | ranged increased autonomy: 111 | Duration: 18 minutes

Lesser party healing
Using Occupation: Sunflower
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 24, required skills maseuteori 14 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: The sacred power of the HP patiwon recovered.

Lv1: les HP Recovery: 74 | influences range: 10 m
Lv2: les HP Recovery: 95 | influences range: 13 m
Lv3: les recovery HP: 119 | influences range: 15 m
Lv4: les recovery HP: 146 | influences range: 18 m
Lv5: les recovery HP: 179 | influences range: 20 m

Skilled magic weapon
Using Occupation: Sunflower
Using skills: Passive
Learning conditions: Requires Level 26, required skills maseuteori 16 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: The magic weaponry skills by increasing the magic weapon attack permanently damage
Increased them.

Lv1: increased damage: 11 | weapon types: ground staff
Lv2: increased damage: 13 | weapon types: ground staff
Lv3: increased damage: 16 | weapon types: ground staff
Lv4: increased damage: 20 | weapon types: ground staff
Lv5: increased damage: 25 | weapon types: ground staff

Resistances (curse)
Using Occupation: Sunflower
Using skills: Passive
Learning conditions: Requires Level 26, required skills maseuteori 16 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: The curse of the property is permanently resistant to grow.

Lv1: curse resistant properties increased: 11%
Lv2: curse resistant properties increased: 13%
Lv3: curse resistant properties increased: 16%
Lv4: curse resistant properties increased: 20%
Lv5: curse resistant properties increased: 25%

Using Occupation: Sunflower
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 48, required skills maseuteori 38 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: proximity to the physical damage done by the time fall schedule.

Lv1: proximity to damage Loss: -27 | duration: 30 seconds

Sacred blow
Using Occupation: Sunflower
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 10, the skills required for explosive 0 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: The weapons are sacred aura, putting a target on the cross-shaped French blow.

Lv1: Additional damage: 4
Lv2: Additional damage: 5
Lv3: Additional damage: 7
Lv4: Additional damage: 10
Lv5: Additional damage: 13

Using Occupation: Sunflower
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 22, required skills maseuteori 12 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: devoted himself to prayer through a wall to remove the curse.

Lv1: Remove jeojuhyeong skills: Up 1
Lv2: Remove jeojuhyeong skills: Up 2
Lv3: Remove jeojuhyeong skills: Up 3
Lv4: Remove jeojuhyeong skills: Up 4
Lv5: Remove jeojuhyeong skills: Up 5

Magic skilled Shield
Using Occupation: Sunflower
Using skills: Passive
Learning conditions: Requires Level 30, required skills maseuteori 20 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: Using a small block defensive shield is increased.

Lv1: Using small beulreokbangeoryeokjeung Shield: 5
Lv2: Using a small shield beulreokbangeoryeokjeung: 7
Lv3: Using a small shield beulreokbangeoryeokjeung: 8
Lv4: Using a small shield beulreokbangeoryeokjeung: 10
Lv5: Using a small shield beulreokbangeoryeokjeung: 13

Opposition storms
Using Occupation: Sunflower
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 32, required skills maseuteori 22 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: An electrically lump person who fired the blast.
The explosion caused damage to wear around the electric shock.

Lv1: Lightning magic property damage: 62 | surrounding electric shock victims: 2 per 12 | duration: 10 seconds |
Influences range: Target around 3 m
Lv2: Lightning magic property damage: 76 | surrounding electric shock victims: 2 per 15 | duration: 10 seconds |
Influences range: Target around 3 m
Lv3: Lightning magic property damage: 94 | surrounding electric shock victims: 2 per 19 | duration: 10 seconds |
Influences range: Target around 4 m
Lv4: Lightning magic property damage: 116 | surrounding electric shock victims: 2 per 23 | duration: 10 seconds |
Influences range: Target around 4 m

Using Occupation: Sunflower
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 34, required skills maseuteori 24 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: devoted to prayer through a wall to remove the curse.

Lv1: Remove jeojuhyeong skills: Up 1
Lv2: Remove jeojuhyeong skills: Up 2
Lv3: Remove jeojuhyeong skills: Up 3
Lv4: Remove jeojuhyeong skills: Up 4

Blessing of the revelation
Using Occupation: Sunflower
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 34, required skills maseuteori 24 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: The target is obviously a certain amount of MP increases.

Lv1: MP Sela: 5% increase | Duration: 10 minutes
Lv2: MP Sela: 7% increase | Duration: 12 minutes
Lv3: MP Sela: 9% increase | Duration: 14 minutes
Lv4: provincial MP: 12% increase | Duration: 16 minutes

Nine won
Using Occupation: Sunflower
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 16, the skills required cleaner 6 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: Target the right place to save the resurrection of the dead and be able to deliver.

Lv1: resurrection after HP Recovery: 20% | gyeongheomchi lost Recovery: 10%
Lv2: resurrection after HP Recovery: 25% | gyeongheomchi lost Recovery: 20%
Lv3: resurrection after HP Recovery: 30% | gyeongheomchi lost Recovery: 30%
Lv4: resurrection after HP Recovery: 40% | gyeongheomchi lost Recovery: 40%
Lv5: resurrection after HP Recovery: 50% | gyeongheomchi lost Recovery: 50%

God's mirror
Using Occupation: Sunflower
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 18, required skills maseuteori 8 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: The attacks target a certain probability of a lightning property damage.

Lv1: Physical proximity reflex attack: damage of 30% | reflection probability: 20% | Continuous Time: 5 min.
Lv2: Physical proximity reflex attack: damage of 40% | reflection probability: 20% | duration: 6 min.
Lv3: Physical proximity reflex attack: damage of 50% | reflection probability: 30% | Duration: 10 minutes
Lv4: Physical proximity reflex attack: damage of 60% | reflection probability: 30% | Duration: 11 minutes
Lv5: Physical proximity reflex attack: damage of 70% | reflection probability: 40% | Duration: 10 minutes


Beat down
Using Occupation: keomaendeo
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 50, the skills required for explosive 40
Description: relative to the lower body to provoke an attack by the target stimuli, and, if successful,
The relative increase in the numbers of their hostilities.

Lv5: Additional damage: 46 | hostile increasing numbers: 323

Look to Seal
Using Occupation: keomaendeo
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 50, required skills maseuteori 40 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: les speed of attack for some time, fast.

Lv1: les attack reduced rate: 0.1 sec | Continuous Time: 2 min | influences range: 30 m
Lv2: les attack reduced rate: 0.2 sec | duration: 3 minutes | influences range: 30 m
Lv3: les attack reduced rate: 0.3 sec | duration: 4 minutes | influences range: 30 m
Lv4: les attack reduced rate: 0.4 sec | Continuous Time: 5 minutes | influences range: 30 m
Lv5: les attack reduced rate: 0.5 sec | Continuous Time: 5 minutes | influences range: 30 m

The victory pledge
Using Occupation: keomaendeo
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 53, required skills maseuteori 43 (skills Lv2 basis)
Description: les attack is a period of time increases the success rate.

Lv2: les hits increased: 230 | Duration: 12 minutes | influences range: 30 m
Lv3: les hits increased: 277 | Duration: 14 minutes | influences range: 30 m
Lv4: les increase hits: 334 | Duration: 16 minutes | influences range: 30 m
Lv5: les hits increased: 402 | Duration: 18 minutes | influences range: 30 m

The polarization moonlight
Using Occupation: keomaendeo
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 54, required skills maseuteori 44 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: rapidly rotating the attack enemies all around, and add to the damage sustained damage.

Lv1: Additional damage: 40 | continuing damage: 2 per 8 | duration: 10 seconds | Impact Range: 3 m
Lv2: Additional damage: 48 | continuing damage: 2 per 10 | duration: 10 seconds | Impact Range: 3 m
Lv3: Additional damage: 58 | continuing damage: 2 per 12 | duration: 10 seconds | influences range: 4 m
Lv4: Additional damage: 70 | continuing damage: 2 per 14 | duration: 10 seconds | influences range: 4 m
Lv5: Additional damage: 78 | continuing damage: 2 per 16 | duration: 10 seconds | influences range: 5 m

Staunch mind
Using Occupation: keomaendeo
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 50, required skills maseuteori 40 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: His willingness to fight for some time because of interference from the state took longer deliver.

Lv1: Battle interfere with the immune status | duration: 30 seconds
Lv2: Battle interfere with the immune status | duration: 40 seconds
Lv3: Battle interfere with the immune status | duration: 50 seconds
Lv4: Battle interfere with the immune status | duration: 60 seconds
Lv5: Battle interfere with the immune status | duration: 60 seconds

Facial Price
Using Occupation: keomaendeo
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 51, required skills maseuteori 41 (skills Lv4 basis)
Description: The subscription price target of leisure for a while ordering magic can not drink.
(However, the skills are available)

Lv4: Duration: 8 sec | success rate: 90%
Lv5: Duration: 10 seconds | success rate: 100%

Cries of provocation
Using Occupation: keomaendeo
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 51, required skills maseuteori 41 (skills Lv4 basis)
Description: The enemies around the provocation for their hostility to figure increments.

Lv4: increasing hostility figures: 719 | influences range: 20 m
Lv5: increasing hostility figures: 858 | influences range: 20 m

Strengthening uijiryeok
Using Occupation: keomaendeo
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 52, the skills required for explosive 42
Description: les period of time increases the autonomy of the local area.

Lv5: les increase local autonomy: 221 | influences range: 30 m | Duration: 18 minutes

Elimination of the boomerang
Using Occupation: keomaendeo
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 52, the skills required for explosive 42
Description: Add a forward multiple enemies at once bare sustained damage and bleeding victim.

Lv5: Additional damage: 35 | bleeding victim: 2 per 16 | duration: 10 seconds | close to the target, it hit multiple targets

Moving moments
Using Occupation: keomaendeo
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 52, required skills maseuteori 42 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: The schedule keeps no place to move to the moment.

Lv1: Moving around: 0 m or less | Success odds: 50%
Lv2: Moving around: 0 m or less | Success odds: 60%
Lv3: Moving around: 0 m or less | Success odds: 70%
Lv4: Moving around: 0 m or less | Success odds: 80%
Lv5: Moving around: 0 m or less | Success odds: 80%

Miner's Chain
Using Occupation: keomaendeo
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 54, required skills explosive 44
Description: Chain to throw a period of time they will move to speed decreases.

Lv5: transfer speed reduction:-3 m / sec | duration: 30 seconds


Using Occupation: Protector
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 50, the skills required for explosive 40
Description: HP itself to emergency treatment for the slowly recovering.

Lv5: HP continued recovery: 10 seconds to 2 per 55

Continuous bang
Using Occupation: Protector
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 54, required skills explosive 44
Description: The 1995-96 as a fast attack to try to add a battered victim.

Lv5: Additional damage: 56

Holy Hand
Using Occupation: Protector
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 50, required skills maseuteori 40 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: HP, the target for emergency treatment immediately recover them and, additionally, HP
Slowly recovering them.

Lv1: HP immediate recovery: 118 | HP continued recovery: 10 seconds to 2 per 34
Lv2: HP immediate recovery: 143 | HP continued recovery: 10 seconds to 2 per 41
Lv3: HP immediate recovery: 172 | HP continued recovery: 10 seconds to 2 per 49
Lv4: HP Instant Recovery: 207 | HP continued recovery: 10 seconds to 2 per 59
Lv5: HP Instant Recovery: 250 | HP continued recovery: 10 seconds to 2 per 71

Lesser party healing
Using Occupation: Protector
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 50, required skills maseuteori 40 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: The sacred power of the HP patiwon recovered.

Lv1: les recovery HP: 137 | influences range: 10 m
Lv2: les recovery HP: 165 | influences range: 13 m
Lv3: les recovery HP: 196 | influences range: 15 m
Lv4: les recovery HP: 239 | influences range: 18 m
Lv5: les recovery HP: 283 | influences range: 20 m

The sanctuary
Using Occupation: Protector
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 52, required skills maseuteori 42 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: The schedule to any destination within a radius of the damage done by a certain time during the decrements.

Lv1: damage reduction: 55 | duration: 15 seconds | influences range: Target around 8 meters
Lv2: damage reduction: 66 | duration: 20 seconds | range of influences: the target around 10 m
Lv3: damage reduction: 80 | duration: 25 seconds | range of influences: the target around 12 m
Lv4: damage reduction: 96 | duration: 30 seconds | range of influences: the target around 15 m
Lv5: damage reduction: 112 | duration: 30 seconds | range of influences: the target around 20 m

Once the concealment
Using Occupation: Protector
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 53, required skills maseuteori 43 (skills Lv3 basis)
Description: Target discount this for some time, the shield blocks increases.

Lv3: Target discount block increases: 24 | Duration: 10 minutes
Lv4: Target discount block increases: 29 | Duration: 11 minutes
Lv5: Target discount block increases: 35 | Duration: 10 minutes

Reinforced body
Using Occupation: Protector
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 50, required skills maseuteori 40 (skills Lv3 basis)
Description: HP's target is obviously a period of time increases.

Lv3: HP obviously growth target: 8% | Duration: 14 minutes
Lv4: HP obviously increased the target: 10% | Duration: 16 minutes
Lv5: HP obviously increased the target: 12% | Duration: 18 minutes


Flash game
Using Occupation: Yen
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 50, required skills maseuteori 40 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: The affected by the dazzling light after a sustained damage to the target within range.

Lv1: 7 seconds Total damage: 351 | influences range: radius of 3 m
Lv2: 8 seconds Total damage: 576 | influences range: radius of 3.5 m
Lv3: 9 seconds Total damage: 692 | influences range: radius of 4 meters
Lv4: 10 seconds total damage: 1040 | influences range: radius of 4.5 m
Lv5: 11 seconds total damage: 1255 | influences range: radius of five meters

Opposition storms
Using Occupation: Yen
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 52, the skills required for explosive 42
Description: An electrically lump person who fired the blast.
The explosion caused damage to wear around the electric shock.

Lv5: Lightning magic property damage: 140 | surrounding electric shock victims: 2 per 28 | duration: 10 seconds |
Influences range: Target around 5 m

Magic skilled (Lightning)
Using Occupation: Yen
Using skills: Passive
Learning conditions: Requires Level 52, required skills maseuteori 42 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: The electrical effect of a series of skills to permanently increase.

Lv1: electrical effects increased skills series: 3%
Lv2: electrical effects increased skills series: 6%
Lv3: electrical effects increased skills series: 9%
Lv4: increased effectiveness of electric line skills: 12%
Lv5: Skills series electrical effects increased: 15%

Schroeder called the blessings
Using Occupation: Yen
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 53, required skills maseuteori 43 (skills Lv3 basis)
Description: The target of the attack, increase the speed of the timeframe.

Lv3: weapons attack speed reduced: 0.3 sec | Continuous Time: 4 min.
Lv4: shortening weapons attack speed: 0.4 sec | Continuous Time: 5 min.
Lv5: weapons attack speed reduced: 0.5 sec | Continuous Time: 5 min.

Using Occupation: Yen
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 53, required skills maseuteori 43 (skills Lv2 basis)
Description: proximity to the physical damage done by the time fall schedule.

Lv2: proximity to damage Loss: -33 | duration: 30 seconds
Lv3: proximity to damage Loss: -40 | duration: 30 seconds
Lv4: proximity to damage Loss: -48 | duration: 30 seconds
Lv5: proximity to damage Loss: -58 | duration: 30 seconds

Thunderbolt's tail
Using Occupation: Yen
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 50, required skills maseuteori 40 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: The electric field with a strong regional water [Lightning] Property Damage, and the speed of moving targets

Lv1: 7 seconds Lightning total property damage: 351 | influences range: radius of 3 m | Slow speed: -1.5 m / sec
Lv2: 8 seconds Lightning total property damage: 576 | influences range: radius of 3.5 m | Slow speed: -1.5 m / sec
Lv3: 10 seconds total lightning damage property: 692 | influences range: radius of 4 m | Slow speed: -1.5 m / sec
Lv4: 10 seconds total property damage Lightning: 1040 | influences range: radius of 4.5 m | slowing down: -2 m / sec
Lv5: 11 seconds total property damage Lightning: 1255 | influences range: radius of five meters | slowing down: -2 m / sec

Dazzling light
Using Occupation: Yen
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 51, required skills maseuteori 41 (skills Lv4 basis)
Description: Dazzling light exploded in the target areas selected for a birthday.

Lv4: 8 seconds Total damage: 452 | influences range: radius of 4.5 m
Lv5: 10 seconds Total damage: 680 | influences range: radius of five meters

Resistances (Lightning)
Using Occupation: Yen
Using skills: Passive
Learning conditions: Requires Level 51, required skills maseuteori 41 (skills Lv4 basis)
Description: The electrical resistance of the property will be permanently increased.

Lv4: electrical resistance properties increased: 29%
Lv5: electrical resistance properties increased: 36%

God's weapons
Using Occupation: Yen
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 51, required skills maseuteori 41 (skills Lv2 basis)
Description: The physical proximity of the target increases the damage done by a certain time.

Lv2: Physical proximity to the 0 degree: 15 | duration: 6 min.
Lv3: Physical proximity to the 0 degree: 19 | Duration: 10 minutes
Lv4: Physical proximity to the 0 degree: 22 | Duration: 11 minutes
Lv5: Physical proximity to the 0 degree: 27 | Duration: 10 minutes

Sacred blow
Using Occupation: Yen
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 54, required skills maseuteori 44 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: as a weapon to attack the sacred to Muslims and Muslims continued to electric shock.

Lv1: Additional damage: 34 | electric shock continuous damage: 10 seconds to 2 per 7
Lv2: Additional damage: 41 | continuous electric shock victims: 10 seconds to 2 per 8
Lv3: Additional damage: 50 | continuous electric shock victims: 10 seconds to 2 per 10
Lv4: Additional damage: 60 | continuous electric shock victims: 10 seconds to 2 per 12
Lv5: Additional damage: 66 | continuous electric shock victims: 10 seconds to 2 per 13

Ready million

Intermediate healing
Using Occupation: Ready eonseu
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 50, required skills maseuteori 40 (skills Lv3 basis)
Description: HP's sacred to regain power.

Lv3: HP Recovery: 350
Lv4: HP Recovery: 431
Lv5: HP Recovery: 518

Using Occupation: Ready eonseu
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 54, required skills explosive 44
Description: devoted to prayer through a wall to remove the curse.

Lv5: Remove jeojuhyeong skills: Up 5

Using Occupation: Ready eonseu
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 50, the skills required for explosive 40
Description: The power of light weapons in the targeted grant strongly stuff down.

Lv5: Additional damage: 30

Intermediate party healing
Using Occupation: Ready eonseu
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 50, required skills maseuteori 40 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: The sacred power of the HP patiwon close to moderate increments.

Lv1: les HP Recovery: 216 range: 10 m
Lv2: les HP Recovery: 260 range: 13 m
Lv3: les HP Recovery: 314 range: 15 m
Lv4: les HP Recovery: 378 range: 18 m
Lv5: les HP Recovery: 453 range: 20 m

Using Occupation: Ready eonseu
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 52, required skills maseuteori 42 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: Target's mouth for a while ordering bonghaeseo magic can not drink.
(However, the skills are available)

Lv1: Continuous Time: 5 seconds | success rate: 50%
Lv2: Duration: 8 sec | success rate: 70%
Lv3: Duration: 12 seconds | success rate: 80%
Lv4: Duration: 15 seconds | success rate: 90%
Lv5: Duration: 20 seconds | success rate: 80%

Blessing of the revelation
Using Occupation: Ready eonseu
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 54, required skills explosive 44
Description: The target is obviously a certain amount of MP increases.

Lv5: MP Sela: 15% increase | Duration: 18 minutes

Mana Shield
Using Occupation: Ready eonseu
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 52, required skills maseuteori 42 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: MP consume them instead of a shield to HP networks.

Lv1: maintaining time: 10 min.
Lv2: maintaining time: 12 min.
Lv3: maintaining time: 14 min.
Lv4: maintaining time: 16 min.
Lv5: maintaining time: 18 min.

Holy Guardian
Using Occupation: Ready eonseu
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 54, required skills maseuteori 44 (skills Lv1 basis)
Description: les Forces of the time schedule increases.

Lv1: les Forces of the increase: 125 range: 30 m | Duration: 10 minutes
Lv2: les Forces of the increase: 151 range: 30 m | Duration: 12 minutes
Lv3: les Forces of the increase: 182 range: 30 m | Duration: 14 minutes
Lv4: les Forces of the increase: 219 range: 30 m | Duration: 16 minutes
Lv5: les Forces of the increase: 263 range: 30 m | Duration: 18 minutes

Using Occupation: Ready eonseu
Use Skills: Active
Learning conditions: Requires Level 52, the skills required for explosive 42
Description: HP obviously is a certain amount of the target increases.

Lv5: HP obviously the target: a 15% increase | Duration: 18 minutes
8 ноя 2007
Может для общения, флуда и споров, дабы не захламлять форум, создать канал форума REQIEM? Я заметил что многие сечас хотят просто поговорить. И я в том числе.
Admin как тебе такая идея?

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